Sunday, November 01, 2009

Graduation Ceremony ‘09

From the day we had our lame self-introduction that almost every lecturer requested us to do, just a blink of an eye we have known each other for almost 4 years now. We have been working through uncountable assignments, presentations, events that some we enjoyed very much and some we swear we don’t want that anymore! We have been to few remarkable trips, the domestic tour to Cherating (giving tour guiding speech in a 40pax coach), international tour to India (what India? 0_0 ), and everyday cheesy, bread & wine France tour. And of course not forgetting how many burning mid-night oil days to prepare for exams. How we used to eat our lunch together gossiping about friends and lecturers ^_^.


With all the ups and downs, congratulations we have all made it through.


Another new chapter of life begins and good luck to you and me.