Followed mum to her old friend's open house today. Other than collecting ang pows of course I need to entertain and sam pat with the aunties kan?
Obviously those aunties were the one who exercise their mouth most and we the younger generation sit aside and exercise our ears....(my buttock was so painful after sitting for nearly 5 hours)
The best part was you got to listen to a lot of funny jokes and their experiences. From their conversation, I found out in an average of 2-3 families, there will be someone sharing stories of cancer patient, whether they are one of the family members or a close friend. What a bad sign...
It seems like cancer has slowly become a common sickness like flu and fever. I just don't wish our unhealthy diet nowadays lead us to suffer and fight with cancer one day.
Delicious food is really hard to reject but do control and maintain a balance diet and happy lifestyle. Stay healthy!