Sunday, February 15, 2009

Breads and cakes from Japan


Photos were taken by my parent back in 2005 when they visit to Japan for cakes exhibition. Imagine it was 4 years ago and you will be amazed with their creativity in baking. I feel like sharing these but I don't want your saliva to wet the keyboard so I am gonna start showing you with the breads first okay?

Fresh baked

Okay, now ready for the cakes? 

this is cute

good for valentine's day

every inch of the cake is so detailed 

how do people willing to eat this?

wants more? goes to Japan...


StellaHo said...

Jalat lor.. Miss Elaine Hua! I am drooling right now.. U better FED-EX some cakes to me. The cakes here are just bloody expensive ler! Remember u used to give me a box full of cakes during STTSS time?

elaine hua said...

good chance for u to learn baking cakes at home now! it's my turn to savour stella ho's cake when u're back...haha

StellaHo said...

OMG.. Come on.. The cost for baking the cake is already expensive ler.. Things are expensive here.. 508gram of chicken breast fillet is already 4pounds.. My flatmate told me that the flour here is expensive lor.. She bakes bread by herself.

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