Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Earth Hour

Have you seen this "60 Earth Hour" billboard very often recently and wonder what is it?

Is yes, congratulation and thank you for paying at least some attention to our mother earth.

If no, you're not suppose to but this is also my purpose of writing this entry.

Earth hour is an event organized by WWF encouraging the households and businesses to switch off unnecessary lights for one hour, in order to create awareness towards climate change and global warning.  

Earth hour 2009 has attracted 83 countries and more than 2700 cities around the world to participate in this event. 

I am supporting it of course! And it's my pleasure to invite all of you to join together with millions of people from north-south-east-west. No matter from which corner you are, switch off your light between 8.30pm - 9.30pm on 23 March 2009. ( depending on your local time)

And here are some ways to spend Earth hour in dark.

* Gather family & friends for a night picnic in your local park and look at the stars
* Enjoy a family dinner by candlelight
* Organise a treasure hunt in the dark
* Take your dog for a night walk
* Have a candle-lit bath
* Sit in the dark and share stories
* Organise a family night playing board games
* Share a romantic night in with your loved one
* Upload your ‘on the night’ photos and videos to flickr and YouTube respectively, and then add them to the 
Earth Hour flickr group and the global YouTube Group.


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