Ah...finally it's weekend! I came back to KL last Friday after enjoying a month long holiday back in Sabah. I am currently half-employed/ unemployed. Half-employed because the previous company I attached for internship is short of manpower so I'm back to help out. As I promise to be there temporarily so I am still consider unemployed, while waiting for my Degree's result.
Well, I had really laid back lifestyle for the past one month and I am still trying to adapt myself to busy KL life.
This is my Mon-Fri daily routine:
6.45am - Suppose to wake up at 6.45 but I will normally snooze until 7
7.15am - Wake up unwillingly and kelam kabut take shower, change clothe, dry the hair
7.30am - Depart from house
++Stuck in the traffic for an hour++
8.30am - Arrive office and have a quick breakfast
9.00am - Start working!
12.30pm - Lunch time (for 30 minutes because we are really busy)
6.00pm - End of the day. But most of the time we need to stay back for at least 15 minutes (or up to 1 hour)
7.00pm - Stuck in the traffic again for an hour
8.00pm - Reach home. Exhausted......
++Do some house cleaning, laundry, dinner, check mail bla bla bla++
11.00pm - Time to bed
I am typing this with my eyelid half close....good night people~
omg... what a typical working life.. tiring neh~ *hugz*
*feeling better* muakcxx~
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